# *Lutherie numérique* & interactivity
## Research based practice on crafting interactive audiovisual experiences.
### Guillaume Arseneault
laureando *Recherche-création en média expérimental* UQAM

## Lutherie
Related to the process of crafting string instruments

Lutherie [from Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des metiers / Denis Diderot]
## *Numérique* / Numeric
Representation through a number system, often related to computerized operations.

## Lutherie numérique
> forme d'expression dont le "médium" est constitué par les relations réciproques qui s'établissent entre le propos artistique et son implémentation technologique.
Burton, Alexandre. 2000. « Lutherie Numérique .» In . Montréal : Festival du nouveau cinéma.
: expressive form emerging from the reciprocal relations between artistic intents and his technological implementations
- The act of choosing the components for a purpose, getting them to work together and making the instrument expressive.
- Where a computer and programmation is injected between the instrument and the performance output
- The importance of real-time is critical to get physicality of the instrument
## Research based practice & experimental media
* #### Iterative’s cycles of prototyping and demonstrations
* #### Artistic process feed from heuristic feedback
* #### Reflective praxis
Authors :
* Owen Chapman & Kim Sawchuk : “Research-Creation: Intervention, Analysis and Family Resemblances.’”
* Louis Claude Paquin : "Méthodologie de la recherche-création"
* Pierre Gosselin, Éric Le Coguiec : "
La recherche création :
Pour une compréhension de la recherche en pratique artistique
## Analog Pioneers
* [Luigi Russolo] 1885–1947
* Intonarumori (Mechanical sound automates)
* [Leon Theremine] 1896-1993
* invented the *Theremine*
* [Maurice Martenot] 1898-1980
* invented the *ondes Martenot*
* [Robert Moog] May 1934-2005
* known for his work on the analogue synthesizer

## *Lutherie numérique* : Contemporary
* [Miller Pucket](http://msp.ucsd.edu/)
* Augmented orchestra (live)
* [pureData](http://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/) & [PDRP](http://msp.ucsd.edu/pdrp/latest/files/doc/)
* [David Rockeby](http://www.davidrokeby.com/vns.html)
* Interactive Video tracking System : (Surveillance art)
* Very Nervous System and softVNS
* [Alexandre Burton](http://www.artificiel.org/burton)
* Electroacoustic compositions with electric phenomenons
* Teslacoils & Fiber optic teslacoil driver [impact](http://www.artificiel.org/impacts)
* 1000 watts bulbs & sound emmiting dimmers light dimmer [condemned_bulbs](http://www.artificiel.org/bulbes)
## Motivations
* Generate novel experiences modified by the user engagements
* Create interfaces-instruments with expressive range accessible
* Deploy interactive installations in public spaces
* Share and document this process among the Makers community (open source)
* Contribute to democratize technological creations trought low cost hardware
## VeloKino
* 2012 [B-Cycle](/projets/bcycle)
* 2013 [Kinopedal](/projets/pedalier)
* 2014 [RUSH](/projets/rush)
* 2014 [Marcels](/projets/marcels)
* 2015 [Arbol](/projets/arbol)
* 2016 [Veloce](/projets/veloce)

## Demo [or die]
Create your own instruments usign open source software.
[*Demo or die* : Nicolas Negroponte, MIT Media lab]
# Q/A?
## Guillaume Arseneault
### [gllmar.github.io](http://gllmar.github.io)
### [guillaume@artificiel.org](mailto:guillaume@artificiel.org)